Saturday, November 28, 2009

Cambodia asks America to cancel debts

The Cambodian Finance Minister, Mr. Keat Chhon, has again asked the U.S government, through its ambassador to Cambodia, to cancel $300 million debts from the 1970s, reports Reaksmei Kampuchea.

The request was made during a meeting between Minister Keat Chhon and Ambassador Carol Rodley (pictured) on Monday 23rd November to discuss about co-operation between the two countries. In the discussion, Ambassador Rodley had requested for an expansion of the American-funded International School of Phnom Penh which is overcrowded. According to sources, the U.S government had provided three tax experts to help the Cambodian government with tax reforms. The first batch of experts had completed their term and, according to the same sources, the second batch of experts will be sent to replaced them soon.

During the discussion, Ambassador Rodley said she would pass on the request of a debt cancellation to the U.S government for considerations and promised to work with the U.S government for a debt relief for Cambodia.

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